Source code for

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2018 Rob Magee.  All rights reserved.
The events module contains the base python implementations of the
fundamental EPCIS event classes.  The intent of these classes is to
implement the EPCIS events along with their business rules and no
other type of implementation features.  The idea here is that the classes
in this module will be inherited and extended by other classes (such
as those in this package's template_events module).

In addition to the base classes defined there are some enumerations and
classes that cover common sections and valued shared across the
primary EPCIS event types.

import gettext
import re

_ = gettext.gettext

from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum

from EPCPyYes.core.errors import ValidationError
from EPCPyYes.core.v1_2.helpers import get_iso_8601_regex
from EPCPyYes.core.SBDH.sbdh import StandardBusinessDocumentHeader as sbdh

iso_regex = get_iso_8601_regex()

[docs]class EventType(Enum): ''' A helper Enum for comparing and using event types. ''' Transaction = 'Transaction' Object = 'Object' Transformation = 'Transformation' Aggregation = 'Aggregation'
[docs]class Action(Enum): ''' The Action type says how an event relates to the lifecycle of the entity being described. See section 7.3.2 of the EPCIS 1.2 standard. ''' add = 'ADD' ''' The entity in question has been created or added to. ''' observe = 'OBSERVE' ''' The entity in question has not been changed: it has neither been created, added to, destroyed, or removed from. ''' delete = 'DELETE' ''' The entity in question has been removed from or destroyed altogether. ''' def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs]class BusinessTransaction(object): ''' A BusinessTransaction identifies a particular business transaction. An example of a business transaction is a specific purchase order. Business Transaction information may be included in EPCIS events to record an event’s participation in particular business transactions. As defined in section of the protocol. ''' def __init__(self, biz_transaction, type=None): ''' :param biz_transaction: An identifier that denotes a specific business transaction. :param type: (Optional) An identifier that indicates what kind of business transaction this BusinessTransaction denotes. ''' self.biz_transaction = biz_transaction self.type = type
[docs]class InstanceLotMasterDataAttribute(object): ''' Base class for ILMD nodes. ''' def __init__(self, name: str, value: str): ''' An ILMD attribute. If you are using the CBV compliant events see the :class:`EPCPyYes.core.v1_2.CBV.instance_lot_master_data. InstanceLotMasterDataAttribute` class. :param name: The name of the attribute (will be the name of the element in the ILMD section) :param value: Will be the element value in the ILMD section. ''' self._name = name self._value = value @property def name(self): ''' Gets and sets the name of the ILMD node. This value should be XML safe and is not auto-escaped. ''' return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = value @property def value(self): ''' Gets and sets the value of the ILMD node. This value should be XML safe and is not auto-escaped. ''' return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): self._value = value
class SourceDest(object): def __init__(self, type: str): self.type = type
[docs]class Source(SourceDest): ''' A Source or Destination is used to provide additional business context when an EPCIS event is part of a business transfer; that is, a process in which there is a transfer of ownership, responsibility, and/or custody of physical or digital objects. See the `EPCPyYes.core.v1_2.CBV.source_destination` module for standard source types. ''' def __init__(self, source_type: str, source: str): ''' :param source_type: An identifier that indicates what kind of source or destination this Source or Destination (respectively) denotes. :param source: An identifier that denotes a specific source or destination. ''' super().__init__(source_type) self.source = source
[docs]class Destination(SourceDest): ''' A Source or Destination is used to provide additional business context when an EPCIS event is part of a business transfer; that is, a process in which there is a transfer of ownership, responsibility, and/or custody of physical or digital objects. See the `EPCPyYes.core.v1_2.CBV.source_destination` module for standard source types. ''' def __init__(self, destination_type: str, destination: str): ''' :param source_type: An identifier that indicates what kind of source or destination this Source or Destination (respectively) denotes. :param source: An identifier that denotes a specific source or destination. ''' super().__init__(destination_type) self.destination = destination
[docs]class ErrorDeclaration(object): ''' As defined by the working group?...yikes. ''' def __init__(self, declaration_time: datetime = datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), reason: str = None, corrective_event_ids=[]): self.declaration_time = declaration_time self.reason = reason self.corrective_event_ids = corrective_event_ids
[docs]class QuantityElement(object): ''' The EPCIS QuantityElement as outlined in section of the protocol. ''' def __init__(self, epc_class: str, quantity: float = None, uom=None): self.epc_class = epc_class self.quantity = quantity self.uom = uom
[docs]class EPCISEvent(object): ''' The base EPCIS event as defined by GS1 on page 38 of the EPCIS 1.2 draft. ''' # TODO: add getter setters def __init__(self, event_time: str, event_timezone_offset: str, record_time: str = None, event_id: str = None, error_declaration: ErrorDeclaration = None, id=None): ''' The base EPCIS event class contains common properties shared across each of the Aggregation, Object, Transaction and Transformation events. :param event_time: The date and time at which the EPCIS Capturing Applications asserts the event occurred. :param event_timezone_offset: The time zone offset in effect at the time and place the event occurred, expressed as an offset from UTC. :param record_time: The date and time at which this event was recorded by an EPCIS Repository. :param event_id: An identifier for this event as specified by the capturing application, globally unique across all events other than error declarations. :param error_declaration: If present, indicates that this event serves to assert that the assertions made by a prior event are in error. :param id: If present is used to store a reference to a database primary key. This will NOT be rendered in the XML EPCIS documents. Use the id parameter and class property according to development needs. ''' self._id = id, self._event_time = event_time or datetime.utcnow().isoformat(sep='T') self._event_timezone_offset = event_timezone_offset or '+00:00' self._record_time = record_time or datetime.utcnow().isoformat( sep='T') self._event_id = event_id self._error_declaration = error_declaration @property def id(self): return self._id @id.setter def id(self, value): self._id = value @property def event_time(self): return self._event_time.isoformat(sep='T') if isinstance( self._event_time, datetime) else self._event_time @event_time.setter def event_time(self, value): self._event_time = value if isinstance( value, str ) else value.isoformat(sep='T') @property def event_timezone_offset(self): return self._event_timezone_offset @event_timezone_offset.setter def event_timezone_offset(self, value): self._event_timezone_offset = value @property def record_time(self): return self._record_time.isoformat(sep='T') if isinstance( self._record_time, datetime) else self._record_time @record_time.setter def record_time(self, value): self._record_time = value @property def event_id(self): return self._event_id @event_id.setter def event_id(self, value): self._event_id = value @property def error_declaration(self): return self._error_declaration @error_declaration.setter def error_declaration(self, value): self._error_declaration = value
[docs] def clean(self): ''' Implement this function to Validate an event based on rules defined in the EPCIS protocol or custom business rules if neccessary. :return: None or a EPCPyYes.core.errors.ValidationError ''' msgs = [] if self.record_time and isinstance(self.record_time, str): match = iso_regex.match(self.record_time) if not match: msgs.append(_('The record_time field is malformed.')) if isinstance(self.event_time, str): match = iso_regex.match(self.event_time) if not match: msgs.append(_('The event_time field is malformed.')) match ='[\+\-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}', self.event_timezone_offset) if not match: msgs.append(_('The event_timezone_offset field is malformed.')) if len(msgs) > 0: raise ValidationError(''.join(msgs))
[docs]class EPCISBusinessEvent(EPCISEvent): ''' For super-classes with an Action, biz step, biz location, etc...basically every main EPCIS class except the TransformationEvent class. ''' # TODO: add getter setters def __init__(self, event_time: datetime, event_timezone_offset: str, record_time: datetime = None, action: str = Action.add.value, biz_step: str = None, disposition: str = None, read_point: str = None, biz_location: str = None, event_id: str = None, error_declaration: ErrorDeclaration = None, source_list=None, destination_list=None, business_transaction_list=None): ''' :param event_time: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param event_timezone_offset: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param record_time: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param action: How this event relates to the lifecycle of the EPCs named in this event. :param biz_step: The business step of which this event was a part. :param disposition: The business condition of the objects associated with the EPCs, presumed to hold true until contradicted by a subsequent event. :param read_point: The read point at which the event took place. :param biz_location: The business location where the objects associated with the EPCs may be found, until contradicted by a subsequent event. :param event_id: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param error_declaration: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param source_list: An unordered list of Source elements that provide context about the originating endpoint of a business transfer of which this event is a part. :param destination_list: An unordered list of Destination elements that provide context about the terminating endpoint of a business transfer of which this event is a part. Class :class:`EPCPyYes.core.v1_2.CBV.source_destination.SourceDestinationTypes` can be used to generate the appropriate XML values for this. :param business_transaction_list: An unordered list of business transactions that define the context of this event. ''' super().__init__(event_time, event_timezone_offset, record_time, event_id, error_declaration) self._action = action self._biz_step = biz_step self._disposition = disposition self._read_point = read_point self._biz_location = biz_location self._source_list = source_list or [] self._destination_list = destination_list or [] self._business_transaction_list = business_transaction_list or [] @property def action(self): return self._action @action.setter def action(self, value): self._action = value @property def biz_step(self): return self._biz_step @biz_step.setter def biz_step(self, value): self._biz_step = value @property def disposition(self): return self._disposition @disposition.setter def disposition(self, value): self._disposition = value @property def read_point(self): return self._read_point @read_point.setter def read_point(self, value): self._read_point = value @property def biz_location(self): return self._biz_location @biz_location.setter def biz_location(self, value): self._biz_location = value @property def source_list(self): return self._source_list @source_list.setter def source_list(self, value): self._source_list = value @property def destination_list(self): return self._destination_list @destination_list.setter def destination_list(self, value): self._destination_list = value @property def business_transaction_list(self): return self._business_transaction_list @business_transaction_list.setter def business_transaction_list(self, value): self._business_transaction_list = value
[docs]class ObjectEvent(EPCISBusinessEvent): ''' A python implementation of the EPCIS Object event as outlined in section 7.4.2 of the standard. ''' def __init__(self, event_time: datetime, event_timezone_offset: str, record_time: datetime, action: str = Action.add.value, epc_list: list = None, biz_step=None, disposition=None, read_point=None, biz_location=None, event_id: str = None, error_declaration: ErrorDeclaration = None, source_list: list = None, destination_list: list = None, business_transaction_list: list = None, ilmd: str = None, quantity_list: list = None): ''' A python representation of an EPCIS ObjectEvent instance. :param event_time: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param event_timezone_offset: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param record_time: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param action: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param epc_list: An unordered list of one or more EPCs naming specific objects to which the event pertained :param biz_step: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param disposition: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param read_point: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param biz_location: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param event_id: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param error_declaration: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param source_list: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param destination_list: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param business_transaction_list: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param ilmd: Instance/Lot master data (Section 7.3.6) that describes the objects created during this event. An ObjectEvent SHALL NOT contain ilmd if action is OBSERVE or DELETE. :param quantity_list: An unordered list of one or more QuantityElements identifying (at the class level) objects to which the event pertained. :parm enforce_rules: whether or not to enforce EPCIS rules during the initilization of the class. Default is false. ''' super().__init__(event_time, event_timezone_offset, record_time, action, biz_step, disposition, read_point, biz_location, event_id, error_declaration, source_list, destination_list, business_transaction_list) self._epc_list = epc_list or [] self._quantity_list = quantity_list or [] self._ilmd = ilmd or []
[docs] def clean(self): ''' Validate the event. :return: None or raises a ValidationError ''' super().clean() if not self.epc_list and not self.quantity_list: raise ValidationError(_('There must be either an epc_list or a ' 'quantity_list specified during ' 'initialization.')) if self.ilmd and self.action != 'ADD': raise ValidationError(_('An ILMD section can only be included in ' 'ObjectEvents of type ADD.'))
@property def epc_list(self): return self._epc_list @epc_list.setter def epc_list(self, value): self._epc_list = value @property def quantity_list(self): return self._quantity_list @quantity_list.setter def quantity_list(self, value): self._quantity_list = value @property def ilmd(self): return self._ilmd @ilmd.setter def ilmd(self, value): self._ilmd = value
[docs]class AggregationEvent(EPCISBusinessEvent): ''' The event type AggregationEvent describes events that apply to objects that have been aggregated to one another. In such an event, there is a set of “contained” objects that have been aggregated within a “containing” entity that’s meant to identify the aggregation itself. ''' def __init__(self, event_time: datetime, event_timezone_offset: str, record_time: datetime, action: str = Action.add.value, parent_id: str = None, child_epcs: list = None, child_quantity_list: list = None, biz_step: str = None, disposition: str = None, read_point: str = None, biz_location: str = None, event_id: str = None, error_declaration: ErrorDeclaration = None, source_list=None, destination_list=None, business_transaction_list=None): ''' Creates a new python AggregationEvent instance. :param event_time: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param event_timezone_offset: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param record_time: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param action: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param parent_id: The identifier of the parent of the association. :param child_epcs: An unordered list of the EPCs of contained objects identified by instance-level identifiers. :param child_quantity_list: An unordered list of one or more QuantityElements identifying (at the class level) contained objects. :param biz_step: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param disposition: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param read_point: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param biz_location: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param event_id: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param error_declaration: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param source_list: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param destination_list: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param business_transaction_list: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` ''' super().__init__(event_time, event_timezone_offset, record_time, action, biz_step, disposition, read_point, biz_location, event_id, error_declaration, source_list, destination_list, business_transaction_list) self._parent_id = parent_id self._child_epcs = child_epcs or [] self._child_quantity_list = child_quantity_list or []
[docs] def clean(self): super().clean() if not self.parent_id and self.action != Action.observe.value: raise ValidationError( _('Parent ID is required in aggregation events ' 'where the Action is ADD or DELETE.')) if self.child_epcs == None and self.child_quantity_list == None: raise ValidationError( _('An aggregation event must have a non empty ' 'childEPCs list or a non-empty child quantity ' 'list.'))
@property def parent_id(self): ''' Gets or sets identifier of the parent of the association. ''' return self._parent_id @parent_id.setter def parent_id(self, value): self._parent_id = value @property def child_epcs(self): ''' Gets or sets an unordered list of the EPCs of contained objects identified by instance-level identifiers. ''' return self._child_epcs @child_epcs.setter def child_epcs(self, value): self._child_epcs = value @property def child_quantity_list(self): ''' Gets or sets the unordered list of one or more QuantityElements identifying contained objects ''' return self._child_quantity_list @child_quantity_list.setter def child_quantity_list(self, value): self._child_quantity_list = value
[docs]class TransactionEvent(EPCISBusinessEvent): ''' A python implementation of and EPCIS TransactionEvent. ''' def __init__(self, event_time: datetime, event_timezone_offset: str, record_time: datetime, action: Action = Action.add.value, parent_id: str = None, epc_list: list = None, biz_step: str = None, disposition: str = None, read_point: str = None, biz_location: str = None, event_id: str = None, error_declaration: ErrorDeclaration = None, source_list=None, destination_list=None, business_transaction_list=None, quantity_list: list = None): ''' Initializes a new python representation of an EPCIS TransactionEvent. :param event_time: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param event_timezone_offset: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param record_time: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param action: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param parent_id: The identifier of the parent of the association. :param epc_list: An unordered list of one or more EPCs naming specific objects to which the event pertained :param biz_step: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param disposition: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param read_point: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param biz_location: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param event_id: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param error_declaration: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param source_list: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param destination_list: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param business_transaction_list: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` :param quantity_list: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISBusinessEvent` ''' super().__init__(event_time, event_timezone_offset, record_time, action, biz_step, disposition, read_point, biz_location, event_id, error_declaration, source_list, destination_list, business_transaction_list) self._parent_id = parent_id self._epc_list = epc_list or [] self._quantity_list = quantity_list or [] @property def parent_id(self): return self._parent_id @parent_id.setter def parent_id(self, value: str): self._parent_id = value @property def epc_list(self): return self._epc_list @epc_list.setter def epc_list(self, value): self._epc_list = value @property def quantity_list(self): return self._quantity_list @quantity_list.setter def quantity_list(self, value: list): self._quantity_list = value
[docs]class TransformationEvent(EPCISEvent): ''' A python implementation for the EPCIS TransformationEvent from section 7.4.6 of the GS1 standard. ''' def __init__(self, event_time: datetime, event_timezone_offset: str, record_time: datetime, event_id: str = None, input_epc_list=None, input_quantity_list=None, output_epc_list=None, output_quantity_list=None, transformation_id=None, biz_step: str = None, disposition: str = None, read_point: str = None, biz_location: str = None, business_transaction_list=None, source_list=None, destination_list=None, ilmd=None, error_declaration: ErrorDeclaration = None): ''' :param event_time: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param event_timezone_offset: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param record_time: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param event_id: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` :param input_epc_list: An unordered list of one or more EPCs identifying (at the instance level) objects that were inputs to the transformation. :param input_quantity_list: An unordered list of one or more QuantityElements identifying (at the class level) objects that were inputs to the transformation. :param output_epc_list: An unordered list of one or more EPCs naming (at the instance level) objects that were outputs from the transformation. :param output_quantity_list: An unordered list of one or more QuantityElements identifying (at the class level) objects that were outputs from the transformation :param transformation_id: A unique identifier that links this event to other TransformationEvents having an identical value of transformationID. :param biz_step: The business step of which this event was a part. :param disposition: The business condition of the objects associated with the EPCs, presumed to hold true until contradicted by a subsequent event. :param read_point: The read point at which the event took place. :param biz_location: The business location where the objects associated with the EPCs may be found, until contradicted by a subsequent event. :param business_transaction_list: An unordered list of business transactions that define the context of this event. :param source_list: An unordered list of Source elements that provide context about the originating endpoint of a business transfer of which this event is a part. :param destination_list: An unordered list of Destination elements that provide context about the terminating endpoint of a business transfer of which this event is a part. Class :class:`EPCPyYes.core.v1_2.CBV.source_destination.SourceDestinationTypes` can be used to generate the appropriate XML values for this. :param ilmd: Instance/Lot master data (Section 7.3.6) that describes the output objects created during this event. :param error_declaration: Inherited from :class:`~EPCISEvent` ''' super().__init__(event_time, event_timezone_offset, record_time, event_id, error_declaration) self._input_epc_list = input_epc_list or [] self._input_quantity_list = input_quantity_list or [] self._output_epc_list = output_epc_list or [] self._output_quantity_list = output_quantity_list or [] self._transformation_id = transformation_id self._biz_step = biz_step self._disposition = disposition self._read_point = read_point self._biz_location = biz_location self._business_transaction_list = business_transaction_list or [] self._source_list = source_list or [] self._destination_list = destination_list or [] self._ilmd = ilmd or [] @property def input_epc_list(self): return self._input_epc_list @input_epc_list.setter def input_epc_list(self, value): self._input_epc_list = value @property def input_quantity_list(self): return self._input_quantity_list @input_quantity_list.setter def input_quantity_list(self, value): self._input_quantity_list = value @property def output_epc_list(self): return self._output_epc_list @output_epc_list.setter def output_epc_list(self, value): self._output_epc_list = value @property def output_quantity_list(self): return self._output_quantity_list @output_quantity_list.setter def output_quantity_list(self, value): self._output_quantity_list = value @property def transformation_id(self): return self._transformation_id @transformation_id.setter def transformation_id(self, value): self._transformation_id = value @property def biz_step(self): return self._biz_step @biz_step.setter def biz_step(self, value): self._biz_step = value @property def disposition(self): return self._disposition @disposition.setter def disposition(self, value): self._disposition = value @property def read_point(self): return self._read_point @read_point.setter def read_point(self, value): self._read_point = value @property def biz_location(self): return self._biz_location @biz_location.setter def biz_location(self, value): self._biz_location = value @property def business_transaction_list(self): return self._business_transaction_list @business_transaction_list.setter def business_transaction_list(self, value): self._business_transaction_list = value @property def source_list(self): return self._source_list @source_list.setter def source_list(self, value): self._source_list = value @property def destination_list(self): return self._destination_list @destination_list.setter def destination_list(self, value): self._destination_list = value @property def ilmd(self): return self._ilmd @ilmd.setter def ilmd(self, value): self._ilmd = value
[docs]class EPCISDocument(object): ''' Represents the higher-level container for an aggregation of EPCIS events. ''' def __init__(self, header: sbdh = None, object_events: list = None, aggregation_events: list = None, transaction_events: list = None, transformation_events: list = None, render_xml_declaration: bool = True, created_date: str = None ): ''' Initializes the EPCIS Document with the constituent object, aggregation, transaction and transformation events. :param object_events: A list of ObjectEvent instances. :param aggregation_events: A list of AggregationEvent instances :param transaction_events: A list of TransactionEvent instances :param transformation_events: A list of TransformationEvent instances. ''' self._header = header self._object_events = object_events or [] self._transaction_events = transaction_events or [] self._aggregation_events = aggregation_events or [] self._transformation_events = transformation_events or [] self._render_xml_declaration = render_xml_declaration self._created_date = created_date or datetime.utcnow().isoformat( sep='T') @property def header(self): return self._header @header.setter def header(self, value: sbdh): self._header = value @property def object_events(self): return self._object_events @object_events.setter def object_events(self, value: list): self._object_events = value @property def aggregation_events(self): return self._aggregation_events @aggregation_events.setter def aggregation_events(self, value: list): self._aggregation_events = value @property def transaction_events(self): return self._transaction_events @transaction_events.setter def transaction_events(self, value: list): self._transaction_events = value @property def transformation_events(self): return self._transformation_events @transformation_events.setter def transformation_events(self, value: list): self._transformation_events = value @property def created_date(self): return self._created_date.isoformat(sep='T') \ if isinstance(self._created_date, datetime) \ else self._created_date @created_date.setter def created_date(self, value: datetime): self._created_date = value @property def render_xml_declaration(self): return self._render_xml_declaration @render_xml_declaration.setter def render_xml_declaration(self, value: bool): self._render_xml_declaration = value