Optel Parsing

This module contians support for parsing optel line master messages in EPCIS format. There are two parsers that can be utilized along with two steps. For more on steps see the documentation for the quartet_capture module here:


Standard EPCIS Step

Normally you will only be using the step if you are configuring a q4 instance. In place of a normal EPCIS parsing step you will configure the following Step in one of your q4 rules.

It is highly recommended that you do not use this step if you anticipate getting one object event per serial-number from a packaging line. While it will work, your tasks may take much longer to execute. Use judgement combined with adequate testing when deciding which step to use. The consolidation step below is typically the best to use when you have one object event per serial number for a large batch.


Consolidating Step

In instances where you are getting large batches from a packaging line system that is configured to send one object event per serial number and would like your tasks to execute more quickly, use the consolidating step below. This step can improve performance by up to 1000% in many cases.


EPCPyYesOutput Step

This step will produce custom optel EPCIS 1.0 in the format of the old 2013 line master and later. Without any conversion, this step will take valid EPCPyYes object events and change them to optel formatted events with gs1ushc namespaced lotNumber and expirationDate fields declared inline with the object event. If you wish to add additional ilmd values, you can add those to the step parameter as the Additional Context and, furthermore, if you only wish to add ilmd and additional context when certain values are present in the events epcs, you can set the Context Search Value to look for values in epcs and based on whether the Context Reverse Search step parameter is false or true, the ilmd and additional context will be inserted into the event.


Takes any filtered events in the context’s ‘FILTERED_EVENTS’ key and will create commissioning events for the EPCs in those events using the custom Template specified in the Template step parameter (this would be the name of a configured quartet_templates.models.Template instance) or it will use the defult ‘optel/object_event.xml’ template defined in the templates directory of this project.


The optel parser classes are located in the quartet_integrations.optel.parsing python module. They are matched one-to-one against the steps above. There is a single consolidation parser and a single standard parser. Each of these parsers inherits from the quartet_epcis.parsing.business_parsing.BusinessEPCISParser class which, in turn, ultimately inherits from the standared EParseCIS parsing class. For more on each of these see:

